Scott Smathers - view bio

Scott Smathers is the Executive Director of the Nebraska Sportsmen’s Foundation which works to protect, enhance the rights and traditions for sportsmen, conservationist and agriculture production. Scott was a technical study member of the LR314 - Interim study to examine all possible sources of revenue that could be used to establish a dedicated funding source for water management. Governor Heineman appointed Scott to LB517, the 34 member Water Funding task force representing Outdoor recreational users. In addition was then appointed to the New 27 member Natural Resource commission that resulted from LB1098 legislation. Scott also serves on the Nebraska Land Trust Board of Directors, Is a Founding member & Executive Board member of the Big Game Conservation Association, An Executive Board member & past President of the Lincoln Chapter of Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, NWTF and Whitetails Unlimited member as well. Scott attended the University of Wisconsin at Lacrosse majoring in Economics and Finance with a minor in communications.