Scott Brummond - view bio

Executive Board member Scott Brummond is an avid hunter and
fisherman. He resides in Wayne with his wife Cindy of 41 years. They
have three daughters (Kristine, Jennifer, and Elizabeth), They have 5
grandchildren. Scott has been a Nebraska Sportsmen’s Foundation
(NSF) member since inception. From the beginning, keeping up on
potential changes in laws and policies that affect the outdoor activities
including the hunting and fishing heritage have kept his passion for the
NSF strong.
Scott has been a Pheasants Forever (PF) member since 1992, past
Nebraska PF State Council President, past local PF chapter president,
Ducks Unlimited member (DU), Wayne Green Team member, Church
board member, past president and current director for Wayne Izaak
Walton League, and past president of Fraternal Order of Eagles #3575.